Navigation 101



One of the most important things everyone should know during an emergency situation is how to navigate. Navigation is a vital skill every survivalist needs. With technology nowadays, many of us have forgotten or haven’t learned how to navigate without a GPS, Siri, smartphones, Google Maps, etc.

As we all know cell phone batteries, the Internet, and power are the first to go when things start to hit the fan. As we also know, smartphones and GPS’s can easily malfunction and/or fail; whereas, a map and compass will never fail as long as you know and understand how to use them correctly.

In the video below brought to us by Black Owl Outdoors, Krik, the host, thoroughly explains how to navigate by using only a map and compass. His explanation is simple and easy to understand.




5 Important Knots You Should Know


There are hundreds of ways to tie knots. For survival reasons, one should know how to tie several different kinds. Out of all the knots out there, here are five knots that are important to know how to tie in case you do need to use them in any situation.

  • The Clove Hitch Knot (Also known as the Double Hitch)
    The Clove Hitch Knot is often considered one of the most important knots to know.

    • Uses
      It is used as a crossing knot and can be used as a binding knot as well. “It is particularly useful where the length of the running end needs to be adjustable,” such as climbing rope, “since feeding rope from either direction will loosen the knot to be tightened at a new position. “ – Wiki
    • Cautions
      It often times slips and is binding. Major strain to the knot will cause the turns to bind tightly and become almost impossible to untie.clovehitch
  • The Bowline Knot
    The Bowline Knot makes a reasonably secure loop in the end of a rope. It is easy to tie and untie. The loop may pass around or through an object during the making of the knot. The knot tightens when loaded at/pulled by the standing part of the line.

    • Uses
      It is most commonly used in sailing but is also known for rescuing people who may have fallen down a hole or off a cliff onto a ledge. They would tie it around themselves and sit in the loop.
    • Cautions
      Although the Bowline Knot is considered reliable, it can have a tendency to work loose when not loaded and to slip when pulled sideways.bowline
  • The Square Knot (Also known as a Reef or Hercules Knot)
    The Square Knot is a binding knot used to secure a rope or line around an object.

    • Uses
      It is used to tie two ends together to secure something. It is also used to tie shoelaces, belts, and sashes.
    • Cautions
      Although seen being used for tying two ropes together, this is not recommended because the instability of the knot has resulted in many deaths.square knot
  • The Sheet Bend Knot (Also known as Becket Bend, Weaver’s Knot, and Weaver’s Hitch)
    The Sheet Bend Knot is often related to the Bowline Knot mentioned above and a more secure replacement for the Square Knot mentioned above as well.

    • Uses
      It joins two ropes together. If doubled, it is effective in binding lines of different diameter. Perfect for reconnecting broken rope.
    • Cautions
      It has the tendency to work loose when not loaded.sheetbend
  • The Figure 8 Knot
    The Figure 8 Knot is considered a stopper knot. It will jam and often require the rope to be cut when under strain.

    • Uses
      It is used in both sailing and rock climbing as a method of stopping ropes from running out of retaining devices.
    • Cautions
      It can be jammed tightly when under strain, making it very hard to be untied and usually need to be cut.figure8





Can and Cannot: Food Storage Cans




When looking for a location to store your emergency food storage,  there are several things that are important to keep in mind. Proper storage is crucial to maintain the foods nutrition, taste, texture, and shelf-life. With every “can” that goes along with proper storage, there is a “cannot” to counteract.


  • Temperature: For best results, store your food items in 50-degree to 70-degree temperature. This area will preferably be within your home. Although many people think of food storage being kept in a garage or storage unit, these locations can vary too widely in temperature. Food storage items need a consistent temperature to keep properly.
  • Label: You should always label your canned food items for storage purposes. In the label, you should include the name of the food and the date when it was received. You might also want to add an estimated expiration. This label will likely prove most useful on the inside and the outside of the lids on the cans. Use a permanent marker when labeling so it doesn’t fade as easily and will last as long as your food.  One of the greatest advantages to freeze dried food storage is that it doesn’t need to be rotated out for 25 years!
  • Lighting:You should try to store your food in a dark room away from sunlight. This will help keep the temperature consistent for the storing area and maintain the quality of the food.


  • Temperature: Do not store cans in areas that get much hotter than 70 degrees. This means avoiding places in the house that go by pipes, a furnace, an uninsulated attic, or in range of direct sunlight. Food will lose its quality much faster in this kind of heat. After being exposed to hot temperatures, your canned foods cannot be expected to last as long as its intended to.
  • Rotation: Do not expect for your canned food to stay good until you need it during an emergency.  An emergency will not come when you are expecting it. It is important to continuously rotate through the canned foods in your food storage. Because this is the case, it is recommended to have foods your family actually enjoys eating as you will likely be eating them throughout the rotation. Food Insurance can’s have a shelf-life of 25 years, so this should not be an issue.
  • Hesitate: Never trust canned food whose top is popping out, leaking, or loose. The food inside can be spoiled. These are good things to look out for when buying and storing cans from the grocery store.

DIY Survival – Hut From Scratch

Shelter is one of our most basic needs.  It can, in some instances, outweigh the immediate need for water or food in order to preserve life in extreme situations.  For example, prolonged exposure to extreme cold can cause excessive fatigue, weakness, and other damaging physical effects such as hypothermia.  These damaging physical effects may limit our ability to survive, but the lack of shelter can also cause mental duress, affecting our will to survive.  The right shelter could mean the difference between life and death.

YouTube user, Primitive Technology, has built several primitive huts from scratch. One of the huts he built called, a Wattle and Daub Hut, took about a month to build without direction. On his blog, he explains how the only tools he used to build the hut were a stone hand axe (which he created from scratch), a digging stick, and clay pots. As you’ll witness in the video below, he makes the clay pots himself so he can carry water to the hut. The hut itself is about 6×6 feet wide, 6 feet tall (highest point), and the roof is angled about 45 degrees.




Palm Thatched Wattle And Daub Hut

When Disaster Strikes

Disaster can strike at any given moment, we all know this. It’s just a matter of when, where, and how bad it will be. When disaster does strike, it is important to be able to gather all your supplies, and if possible any extra household items before hunkering down.

The infographic below (brought to us by EquipSupply) explains how easy it could be to survive when you only have a few household items to get you through the night. This gives us an easy way to produce heat, light, and energy with common household items. Most of them are fairly easy to do and could possibly save you from the brink of death.



Common Household Spiders

Spring is almost here, which brings flowers, insects, and spiders. The spiders are coming out of hiding to eat and breed. It is important to know which spiders are harmful or harmless and if they live in your region. Here is a great infographic on identifying common U.S. house spiders brought to you by the Pest Control Experts.

harmless-or-deadly-how-to-identify-common-house-spiders_509aed217f457 (1)

Shooting Fundamentals (Infographic)

For people new to shooting sports, basic fundamentals can immediately help them become more proficient.  However, the first step with anyone new to firearms, is to learn and practice proper gun safety.  These 4 cardinal rules of gun safety should always be observed.

  1. Always treat a gun as if it is loaded
  2. Never point the gun at anything you don’t intend to destroy
  3. Always be sure of your target and what’s behind it
  4. Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire

Next, introduce the weapon and make sure the shooter understands how it functions and operates.   Using a smaller caliber firearm, such as a 22 LR, can assist in helping the new shooter form good habits from the beginning.  Larger calibers often induce flinching and hesitation when introduced too early and can lead to anxiety and withdrawal from the sport.  Once the beginner is comfortable with the weapon allow them to fire several rounds downrange to get used to the feel of live fire.  Once acclimated, the shooter can start working on the fundamentals as shown in this infographic.




It should be said that these are just a starting point.  Depending on what the shooter’s preferred style, goals and interests in the shooting sports are, they may find themselves modifying these fundamentals. For instance, depending on what division or activity they are competing in, will determine where they aim at the target (Bullseye vs. SASS).  Breath control may take time to get right and can also be modified if needed.   The shooter may need to let more air out of your lungs to feel the most comfortable and accurate. Some instructors will even  tell students to fire at the bottom of their breathing cycle, this works well for bench shooting, but can make things more difficult tactical and self-defense training.


With that said, if these fundamentals are used early and consistently, accuracy and confidence with increase.  As the shooter becomes more comfortable and proficient, there is a good chance they will continue in the sport, and that is good for everyone.  Be safe out there and don’t forget to keep your powder dry.

Survival Skills Your Child Should Know & Be Able To Do


It is just as important to teach survival skills to your children as it is to learn them for yourself. We recommend practicing and learning these skills together as a family. Here are some practical and basic survival skills that we think you should teach your kids:

Basic Survival

  1. Trust your instincts
  2. Develop situational awareness
  3. Think ahead and always have a plan.
  4. Be able to run and walk a good distance; be in generally good shape
  5. Dress appropriately for weather conditions


Food and Water

  1. Find water and identify if it’s safe to drink
  2. Learn to filter and boil water to drink
  3. Open canned food with and without can opener (rub can lid ridge on cement and then pry open with knife)
  4. Know multiple ways to prepare food
  5. Identify if food is too spoiled to eat


Health and First Aid

  1. When to call 911, know what to say
  2. First aid – start with basic first aid, work up to CPR, wilderness first aid and even EMT for older youth
  3. Learn how to assist an injured or otherwise handicapped person
  4. Survival sanitation
  5. Basic hygiene practices – and how it differs from survival sanitation


Survival Skills

  1. Find or build a shelter using whatever is available to you
  2. Swimming and floating
  3. Safely use a knife
  4. Keep a blade tool clean and sharp
  5. Sew enough to mend clothing and make simple items such as bags or scrap quilts.

Ways to Use Freeze Dried Meats

First thing first, freeze dried meat is already cooked, so reconstituting it with the right amount of water is the main requirement. Once you have the meat reconstituted, drain the excess water and it’s ready for whatever recipe it’s going into.

Now that we have that out of the way, let’s talk about some foods you can use with freeze dried meats. Below we have the meat listed and some great foods you can use alongside the freeze dried meats.


Freeze Dried Ground Beef:

  • Tacos
  • Spaghetti
  • Soups
  • Lasagna
  • Chili
  • Sloppy Joes
  • Casseroles
  • Tostadas


Freeze Dried Chicken:

  • Salad
  • Soups
  • Tacos
  • Tostadas
  • Casseroles
  • BBQ Pizza
  • Fried Rice
  • Enchiladas


Freeze Dried Turkey:

  • Soups
  • Salad
  • Casseroles
  • Omelets
  • Fried Rice
  • Enchiladas
  • Rice and Gravy

Food Insurance Has Gluten Free Products


Gluten is a general name for the proteins found in wheat, rye, barley, and triticale. Gluten helps foods maintain their shape, acting as a glue that holds foods together. While gluten isn’t a bad for a person, it can be very harmful to someone who is sensitive to gluten. This often is called gluten sensitivity. Sometimes gluten sensitivity can be an autoimmune disorder called, Celiac Disease.

“Celiac disease … can occur in genetically predisposed people where the ingestion of gluten leads to damage in the small intestine.  It is estimated to affect 1 in 100 people worldwide.  Two and one-half million Americans are undiagnosed and are at risk for long-term health complications.”
– Celiac Disease Foundation

Obviously, people with gluten sensitivity and/or Celiac disease have very little to no gluten in their diets. This can be a problem when storing food storage because many freeze dried foods do have gluten in them. This doesn’t mean they all have gluten.

At Food Insurance, we strive to accommodate everyone. This goes for gluten free products. We do provide gluten free products, but please keep in mind, while items are inherently gluten free, they are produced in a plant that also handles wheat products, and consequently are not “certified” gluten free. There is potential for trace amounts of gluten.

Click here to see products that are gluten free.