What Should my Emergency First Aid Kit Include?

You’re no dummy. You know what a first aid kit is — and that it might just save your life during a natural disaster or emergency.

But it’s not always easy to know what should go in a first aid kit. Determining what fits your emergency preparedness needs is a task best addressed sooner, not later. There are plenty of items to consider for your first aid kit. Here are several you can’t go wrong with: Continue reading “What Should my Emergency First Aid Kit Include?”

Considering Food Allergies When Building Your Emergency Supply

When I was little, I had many close calls when it came to eating. I had severe allergies to shellfish and almost every kind of nut. This was a real hurdle for a young child that just wanted to eat the same brownies as the rest of the class, or that didn’t understand the concept of what a “shellfish” actually was. As I got older, things got much better. I grew up to understand what I could eat, which foods to avoid, and which questions to ask about food. I also encountered quite a few other kids that had food allergies too! Continue reading “Considering Food Allergies When Building Your Emergency Supply”

Would You Actually Eat Your Food Storage?

When I was a little girl, the ecclesiastical leader of my local church extended a challenge to some of the families in the congregation. My family was chosen.

We were to only eat from our food storage for the next month. No groceries, no late night Taco Bell indulgences, and certainly no fancy restaurants (although this rule didn’t stop my dad and I from going to Costco and sampling all of the tasty foods, of course we did not buy anything, perhaps we rationalized the sampling though). Traditional food storage items such as spaghetti, potato pearls, and hot cocoa would be my family’s staples for the next month.

Continue reading “Would You Actually Eat Your Food Storage?”