5 Bug-Out-Bag Items Pinners Forget

When doing a “do it yourself” project, Pinterest is a great place to find ideas.  It will help you think of  adding things you normally wouldn’t think of. There is a category that is dedicated to “preparedness” that has numerous ideas to help pinners get prepared. Bug-Out-Bags are a huge catch on Pinterest, and while we were going through some of the lists, we found five important items pinners shouldn’t forget to pack.

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Olympus Falls: As Detroit is, The U.S.A. May Become


provided by weather.com

Many people take comfort in the fact that the United States is a super power.  They lean on the faith that this economy and this great nation will always be around to support them.  The sad truth is that this great nation could always survive if it weren’t for the degradation of our moral fiber. Because of our goodness and good will, we have grown into the world superpower.  But, now that we are the superpower, we are turning into a nation of entitlement and greed.

Continue reading “Olympus Falls: As Detroit is, The U.S.A. May Become”


Image use courtesy of www.imdb.com

Have you ever seen a movie where you feel like screaming at the characters for being such idiots?  If they had only…  they should have… if they had been a little more prepared… if they had only thought of…  There are literally thousands of movies that this applies to.  Most of the horrible situations characters in disaster movies find themselves in could have been prevented with a little preparedness and planning.  Here are our five preventable disaster favorites.


What Should You Do about Rising Meat Prices?

If you are a meat lover, recent news on the prices of beef, pork, poultry, fish and eggs might have you a bit concerned. Recently, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released data compiled on beef prices in the month of July. According to the report, the average price for ground beef rose to $3.884 per pound, which is an all-time high. In July 2013, the average price was 12% less at $3.459. If this number sounds like a lot, the price just 5 years ago was $2.147. That’s right. In just five years, beef prices rose 81%.

Pork prices haven’t fared much better. In just two short years, the price of bacon has risen more than 41%. The price of a pound of bacon today is $6.11, which again is an all-time high. There are many reasons for the higher price. For one, there is a porcine epidemic diarrhea virus that has killed 100,000 piglets since May 2013. In addition to that, the demand for bacon has grown tremendously in the past few years. Combine these factors with rising feed prices due to an extended drought, and it’s easy to see why bacon prices are so high.

The factors that are causing beef, poultry, pork and seafood prices don’t appear to be going away anytime soon. Prices are staying on this upward trajectory, which means at some point meat will not be affordable for the common household. Therefore, the individual consumer will have to make some tough decisions on how he or she can feed the family. If you don’t want to give up meat completely, there is another way to eat meat-based dishes, no matter what the price of meat is 5 years from now.

Food Insurance freeze-dried and dehydrated food products are priced affordably to meet families’ long-term food storage and emergency preparedness needs. One of the biggest benefits we point our customers to is the fact that our food products can last up to 25 years when properly stored. That means you can buy food at today’s prices and enjoy those dishes years down the road when prices could be much higher. Given the severity of several recent natural disasters, this isn’t out of the realm of possibility.

In addition to long-term storage, Food Insurance emergency food products taste great too. Our products use the highest-quality ingredients to give your body what it needs: plentiful vitamins, minerals and nutrients. We also have a healthy portion of fruits and vegetables in most of our meal plans, so you can enjoy a well-balanced diet. Given the rising meat prices, individuals must be proactive in their efforts to find affordable food. Contact us today to learn more about our emergency preparedness plans.


Is Your Local Government Ready for an Emergency?

There’s no question that Ronald Reagan wasn’t a big fan of government. He was famous for saying, “The most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” This sentiment is shared by many in this country, especially when it comes to emergency preparedness.

Evidence of this can be seen in the recent California drought crisis where calls for a voluntary 20% reduction in water consumption have gone pretty much ignored. Now, the government has stepped in to impose mandatory water restrictions for 270 days to curb activity. Those who are found to be in violation are subject to fines of $500 or more.

If you’re wondering what some of the restrictions are, they include:

  1. Ban of water on outdoor decorations unless they use a recirculating system,
  2. No hosing down of driveways and sidewalks,
  3. No hosing down of cars unless the hose has a shut-off nozzle,
  4. Ban of watering outdoor landscapes if there is excessive runoff.

Californians use up to 50% of their water on outdoor landscaping, which is why so many of the restrictions are focused on landscaping. Yet, the effectiveness of these regulations will be determined by whether or not citizens take them seriously. Only time will tell here.

However, what is known is that many of us have a distrust of government on emergency preparedness. There have been way too many instances of failure by local and national governments. Some of the most striking images from the Hurricane Katrina disaster, for example, were of citizens waiting for help from FEMA and local authorities. Some were forced to wait on their rooftops for help; others were stuck in the Superdome with little else but the clothes on their backs.




If history is any indication, these regulations will not be enough to negate the consequences of the drought in California. Food shortages and water rationing are very likely. It’s even possible for more extreme weather scenarios to occur because of the drought, including earthquakes.

As we wait to see what happens, now is the time to get prepared. In addition to setting up an emergency preparedness plan, we encourage you to take action by picking up long-term emergency food supplies.  Although your local government may not be ready to handle the effects of an emergency situation, that doesn’t mean you should sit on the sidelines as well. Keep your family safe today with active preparation.

The Reality of Food Inflation

For several years, we have been encouraging our readers to pay attention to how much they are paying for groceries. As our economy continues to stagnate, and the value of the dollar decreases, more and more Americans are feeling “sticker shock” at the grocery store.

An infographic by @SajKarsan showed up on Twitter this week, and it does a great job at showing just how much food prices have gone up this year.

food inflation infographic

A special thank you goes out to @SajKarsan for the hard work and research you put into this infographic.

What Do Regular, Run-of-the-mill Families Need to Prepare For?


You’ve probably heard about those “preppers” or survivalists.  You know, the people who store food, medical supplies, and maybe ammunition or other necessities they think they might need in an emergency?  Perhaps for a long time you thought they were crazy.  Then came Katrina, Sandy, and maybe a period of unemployment, and you decided they may be onto something.

Your family doesn’t have to go overboard and become backwoods survivalists to begin and sustain a preparedness program.  If nothing else, you’ll gain the peace of mind that comes from knowing you’re ready for whatever life throws at you.  This article isn’t a comprehensive family preparedness guide, but here are a few things you might need to be prepared for.


Job Loss or Financial Hardship

The vast majority of the time, you don’t know in advance that you’re about to lose your job or be faced with a financial hardship. The total and unwelcome surprise of losing your job is something most people fear, but not enough prepare for.  While you don’t know when or if a loss is coming, the best thing you can do is prepare for it before it happens.  Getting your family into a good financial situation now can greatly reduce your stress and heartache later on.

Cut unnecessary expenses to put more money away.  Pay off debts and eliminate your credit card balance.  Sit down to discuss and reassess your needs versus your wants, and include the whole family in these discussions.  Can you eliminate or cut back on entertainment, cable, and shopping?  It might also be a good idea to stock up on non-perishable and freezer-friendly food. If you have a health savings account, see if you can contribute a little extra that could get you through a period of being uninsured.  Overall, eliminate as many costs as you can.   When you lose an income, the number of bills you eliminate could make the difference between being able to keep your current home and having to move.


Weather Emergencies

Even if you don’t live in an extreme climate, it’s important to be prepared for weather-related emergencies before they happen.  Whether it’s extreme heat, high winds, or a snow and ice storm, being prepared will help you avoid panic.  Once a dangerous forecast comes out, it’s pretty safe to say there will be a run on supplies like food, batteries, flashlights, and toilet paper.  But if you already have these supplies, you can rest easy.

Whatever the season, be sure you’re prepared to go without electricity, clean water, and perhaps sanitation for a time.  Store drinking water, make plans for alternative heat (or how you could stay cool), and make sure you have a good supply of hygiene items and food on hand that doesn’t require a lot of preparation.  Put together a 72-hour kit, including first-aid supplies and medications, and update it frequently for the needs of any family changes.


Natural Disasters

Even if you don’t live in a flood, hurricane, earthquake or tornado zone (though most of us live in areas where these things CAN and sometimes DO happen), being prepared ahead of time for natural disasters is essential to your ability to cope.

There are several simple things your family can do ahead of time to help you meet disasters with confidence.  First, know how to turn off your home utilities such as gas, water, and electricity.  Make sure large appliances, furniture, and your water heater is anchored to the wall to avoid tipping in an earthquake.  Move breakables and heavy objects to lower shelves.  Keep papers in a fire and water-proof safe at home or another secure location.  Document your belongings for insurance purposes and make sure your coverage is adequate, as many policies do not include natural disaster coverage.

Also, make sure you stock up on non-perishable food, first-aid supplies, batteries, flashlights, matches, blankets, etc.  Be ready to get through several days without utilities.  It’s always a good idea to have cash on hand as well.

Make sure you have a family emergency protocol in place.  Where should everyone take shelter in the house?   What would be the best escape route, if necessary?  What should your kids do if they’re at school in an emergency?  Where should everyone meet if you’re away from home and separated?   Knowing you are prepared and have a plan will help the entire family cope with a difficult situation.