Where Do Emergency Situations in America Actually Occur?

As you know with the start of football season, we’re just about to reach the fall and winter months when hurricanes, blizzards, and other extreme weather conditions can occur. Last month, Kiplinger compiled a listing of the top ten states that are most at risk of natural disasters. It used property damage claims from the past eight years to determine which states have had it the worst.


In the end, New Jersey was number one on the list with $26.7 billion in property damage. This is mostly because of the damage the Garden State suffered from Hurricane Sandy. The rest of the top ten is as follows:


2. Texas

3. Tennessee

4. Missouri

5. Alabama

6. Oklahoma

7. Mississippi

8. Louisiana

9. Colorado

10. Arizona


As you can see from this list, there is not one concentrated area where natural disasters and other emergency scenarios occur. For this reason, individuals must be actively doing all they can to learn about possible threats in their area and ways to prepare for them. We’ve already seen some news that our customers should be aware of.


For example, did you know that more than a thousand children in ten states have been diagnosed with a rare form of Enterovirus in the past few weeks? According to the CDC, the respiratory illness could eventually become a nationwide problem. It acts similarly to the common cold and can put children with preexisting allergies or respiratory problems in the ICU.


Additionally, number 6 on the list, Oklahoma, was in the news recently for an emergency rule adopted by its governor that mandated all licensed insurance agents get an hour of continuing education on earthquakes. A 4.2 earthquake was recorded near Medford, OK in early September.


Big cities and small towns across the country are preparing for extreme weather occurrences by shoring up dams, updating sewage systems and setting up emergency water storage plans. What are you doing too sure up your household?


The prospect of a disaster is out there, no matter where you live. We encourage you to shop our inventory of emergency food products, water preparedness systems and first aid supplies, so you can be ready if a disaster were to strike your area. And remember, because it is National Preparedness Month, we are offering 30 specials for 30 days!



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